Inspired By Lockdown 2021

Do you have a favourite place or spot? Something you might refer to as your “happy place”? I’m sure you do…everyone does. For me, it’s Mulmur. This pandemic has forced us to do a lot of new things. For me…I picked up a paint brush. I don’t know how to paint, I’ve never painted before…but it’s art, so it can be whatever you want it to be.

At first I didn’t know what I wanted to create so I took the dog for a walk and went to Brian’s field. As you walk through the sugar bush you are lead out to a gentle rolling field. It’s a place where you see deer, coyotes and wild turkeys. I started thinking about lockdown and how our daily excitement is checking the mail…and receiving anything else other than a bill. So I decided to create something that could be made into a greeting card.

The idea or hope here is that more people will get back to connecting with one another, the old fashioned way. Letter writing. A lost art form. In this day and age it is so easy to text or shoot an email, but just think how special it is to receive a card…and it’s not even your birthday. Yes it take more effort, but it has more value to the receiver than you think.

This is the first card in what I hope will be a Dufferin County series. For now, we will see how it goes and if people are as excited as we are to receive mail. Please send us your thoughts…or even better yet, send some a card.